YouTube Launches Custom Video Player | Personalised Viewing Video Tool

38 sec read

Custom-youtube-videoThe global leader in online video sharing, YouTube, has just launched a new “custom player” feature for its millions of users, allowing them to personalize embedded YouTube videos.

Members of the site are able to edit features such as the name of the player, pick a color scheme and even the video layout, with an option to display or hide related visual content (pictured above-right).

Said customization can be used on their own videos or those by others saved as favorites or in a play list. In addition, the new tool allows viewers to skip to any part of a stream, an option not previously available on the site.

After picking the desired options (albeit limited at present), YouTubers can then generate a code, which will allow their individual design to be embedded on other websites, complete with the content they have chosen to fill it with.

It’s pretty basic stuff, but no other video sharing website is offering the same at present, so we’re keen to see how YouTube expands the project in future.

[YouTube Custom Player — login required]
