Tubecast – An Internet TV Startup | A Joost Alternative With YouTube & Veoh Content

1 min read

is a new Internet video/TV startup currently in alpha
testing. I
stumbled across this great find at the Museum of
modern betas (MOMB).

The simplicity and elegance of the site grab you instantly,
and best of all anyone can enjoy it now.

This classy online video
development essentially grabs content from other sites like YouTube
and Veoh, and layers a user interface atop the

From a writer’s perspective I was excited that I had perhaps
lucked out for our readers and found something overlooked by

surprisingly, Michael Arrington and TechCrunch
skipped over it in late August and did a nice review. I
agree with Michael’s assessment that Joost and other Web TV will
eventually have to incorporate simple video aspects like this to be
feasible in the short to medium term.

Quick And Entertaining

The quality of video at Tubecast
is not HD my any means, but it is quick and very entertaining.

Tubecast Screenshot

The service operates like normal network TV except that users
skip ahead and change channels. Content ranges from music videos to
animated shorts and a lot in between so far. 

Being browser based adds a
lot of simplicity and kicked back vegging. Straight up presented
content is not for every occasion but channel surfing Tubecast made a
part time viewer out of me.


So, if you are in the mood for some nice video with no
check out Tubecast and also consider that it is still in alpha testing.
The site’s blog
is pretty
interesting and sort of reveals the progress the developers have

A horde of flash and other programming gurus have contributed
to this
laid back development and everything about the service reflects their
“coach potato” approach to some fine work.

Tubecast Tune In Chill Out

Phil Butler is a contributing author discussing the social networking world, his work can be found on
