Channel 4 Dumping 4oD In Favor Of All 4 | New Streaming Television Hub For UK Viewers

4oD has been a successful effort, with Channel 4 having offered on-demand television across a range of platforms for several years. But the...
Dave Parrack
1 min read

All Stories

Screencasting Comes Of Age – Time For Me To Become A Full-Time Screencaster!

Screencasting has come a long long way over the last three years since it’s existence sprang in to existence. Back then...
Michael Pick
2 min read

Vuze – A Legal P2P BitTorrent Service Asks FCC For Help After Being Blocked By Various ISPs

Right from the off, I think we need to face some facts about P2P services.  While certainly capable of acting as...
Paul Glazowski
1 min read

SyncTV Rolls Out Subscription Plan With Unlimited Television Episode Downloads

The big problem with online video and television programming isn’t now a lack of availability or choice, but more about the...
Michael Garrett
2 min read

The Amazon Kindle | The Success Or Failure Of This Ebook Reader Could Affect IPTV

Although the new Amazon Kindle may not, on first glance, have much to do with IPTV, the technologies involved, and the...
Gilbert Hammer
1 min read

Mogulus Launches After Long Private Beta | You Too Can Have Your Own TV Channel

Mogulus, a New York based video start up company, has been running in private closed beta for over four months. It...
Dave Parrack
1 min read

P2P File Sharing News | New Developments In The Ever Messy World Of The Pirates

The mess surrounding P2P file sharing is getting ever more incredible, complicated, and well, messy. So much so that we simply...
Paul Glazowski
3 min read

YouTube Introduces New Anti-Bullying Channel | Could ‘Beatbullying’ Video Messages Help?

Bullying can take many forms, and since the evolution of the web, it has even become a problem online, with many...
Paul Glazowski
2 min read

‘Quarterlife’ Goes From Web Exclusive To NBC Network Thanks To Writers Guild Strike

Quarterlife is the new Web drama about twenty somethings, created by Ed Zwick and Marshall Herskovitz. There were rumours even before...
Mathew Ingram
1 min read

Flash Video: Expert Techniques For Integrating Video On The Web | A Book Review

If you’ve ever needed a guide on how to integrate video on the web, and have wanted all of the information...
Gilbert Hammer
1 min read

Reviewing The Collision Of Traditional TV and IPTV Services | What Does The Future Hold?

Television has always been traditionally distributed by cable or satellite systems, but now a new pretender to the throne to be the...
Brendon Mills
2 min read

The Raging Internet Video Format War Continues To Rage On | Standardizing Codecs

Who here remembers the good old View-Master?  How about family vacation slides on a slide projector?  Come on, put your hands...
Peter Anzalone
1 min read

Quarterlife Review | A Look At The Response To The New MySpace TV Drama Series

All the way back in September, we brought you word of Quarterlife, a new Internet television series which would début in...
Paul Glazowski
2 min read

The Quest For Internet TV Nirvana | Patience, Perspective & Revenue Urgently Needed

Cliff Edwards recently wrote an article for Business Week which brings up some important questions about the future of Internet TV,...
Gilbert Hammer
1 min read

Sony’s PS3 To Get DivX Support In Software Update | Will The Xbox 360 Follow Suit?

Earlier this week, DivX announced they would soon be offering support for the Sony Playstation 3 games console. The codec technology...
Dave Parrack
1 min read

YouTube To Go High Definition | New Player and High Quality Video Streams On Way

How to describe YouTube in a short, succinct paragraph while truly getting across to the readers how successful a site it...
Paul Glazowski
3 min read

Online Television News Roundup | Twentieth TV Working With Yahoo, Zillow, Lifetime

Every day, there seems to be a new story about one company or another trying to get in to the old...
Mathew Ingram
1 min read

Bebo Announces ‘Open Media’ Initiative | Social Network Joins Online TV Revolution

Bebo, currently the third largest social network, behind the big guns of MySpace and Facebook, has thrown it’s hat in to...
Dave Parrack
1 min read

Microsoft To Take On YouTube & Flickr With An All Encompassing Digital Media Hub

Hey everybody, Microsoft is making an attempt at entering the online media realm! And they’re taking on the big boys like...
Paul Glazowski
3 min read

Architecting A Video Transcoding System | Associated Problems & Solutions

After reading the well written and thought provoking article about  Architecting a Video Transcoding System by Brian Peebles, I thought I’d...
Rich Hall
3 min read

Maven Networks Leads Internet TV Advertising Forum | Personalising Online Video Adverts

I read an interesting news release a few weeks ago from Maven Networks on the Streaming Media website, about the formation...
Mark Fears
1 min read

NBC Direct Arrives | But Like Hulu & The Daily Show Archives, It’s For US Citizens Only

NBC Direct launched its public beta yesterday, and the blogosphere was immediately awash with thoughts on the service and reviews of...
Dave Parrack
1 min read

NBC Direct Launches With Full Episodes | Not Quite The Great Service We All Expected

After some false starts, NBC has at last officially launched the download service for its television programming, known as NBC Direct....
Michael Garrett
1 min read

Making Internet TV More Mobile | From The iPhone Downwards, Quality Is The Key

Although Internet television is growing at an incredibly fast rate, it seems moving the medium on to mobile devices is not...
Brendon Mills
1 min read

YouTube Canada Launches | How Lame Is It, and Did We Need It In The First Place?

YouTube launched yet another of their localised international versions of the site on Tuesday, at a flashy press conference with YouTube...
Dave Parrack
1 min read

AT&T Introduce ISP Copyright Filtering Technology Called Vobile VideoDNA

The battle for blocking copyrighted materials from being distributed around the web could be about to get even murkier. It was...
Gigi Sohn
2 min read

BitTorrent Traffic Now Being Unfairly Manipulated By ISPs Around The World

Everyone has heard the saying “There are two sides to every story” and this is so true of many things. A...
Paul Glazowski
2 min read

Could Writers Guild Strike See Online Television & Video Popularity Grow Massively?

The 12,000 members of the Writers Guild of America went on strike on Monday over new media revenue and DVD royalties....
Dave Parrack
1 min read

Mod My Life – Lifecasting With Viewers In Charge | Viable Business Model Or Not?

Mod My Life is a new startup which aims to take lifecasting to the next level, with performers being forced to...
Dave Parrack
1 min read

Revver Gets A Redesign & New Features | Is Copying YouTube New Video Sharing Standard?

Rather than innovate, when you have a site which is head and shoulders above all the competition, both in terms of...
Michael Garrett
2 min read