Channel 4 Dumping 4oD In Favor Of All 4 | New Streaming Television Hub For UK Viewers

4oD has been a successful effort, with Channel 4 having offered on-demand television across a range of platforms for several years. But the...
Dave Parrack
1 min read

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YouTube Gives Users The Chance To Choose Ads | Unfortunately, No Adverts Not An Option

Google is continuing to struggle to make YouTube profitable. All those eyes watching the site should be worth a mint, but...
Dave Parrack
1 min read

VidZone On PS3 Launches | Streaming Music Video Service – Spotify For Playstation 3

The Playstation 3, along with its rival console the Xbox 360, is more than just a games console. The Internet, and...
Dave Parrack
2 min read

Channel 4 Evolving Online TV Catch-Up Service | 4oD Moves To Web, Includes Free Archive

Channel 4’s online catch-up service has, until now, played second fiddle to the BBC iPlayer. But no longer. Channel 4 is...
Dave Parrack
1 min read

BT Threatens BBC iPlayer, YouTube Etc. | Pay Up Or Else Face Bandwidth Throttling

ISPs have been showing concern for the amount of bandwidth used by online video for some time now. However, the first...
Dave Parrack
1 min read

Cisco: Online Video Set To Dominate By 2013

As the Internet grows, and more and more people get online and connected, traffic looks set to grow exponentially. And at...
Dave Parrack
1 min read

Epix – A Hulu For Movies | Online HD Movie Streaming Free For Cable Subscribers

The music industry took far too long to adjust to the new realities which the Web brought, and look at the...
Dave Parrack
2 min read

International BBC iPlayer On Way? | BBC and Google Rumored To Be Having Discussions

Could an International version of the BBC iPlayer be on the way? Possibly, if rumors of talks happening between Google and...
Dave Parrack
1 min read

Hulu’s Growth Stalls, And Talk Immediately Emerges Of Charging For The Free Service

Hulu is currently in a fantastic position, gaining viewers every month, and bringing in enough money to just about get by....
Dave Parrack
2 min read