Channel 4 Dumping 4oD In Favor Of All 4 | New Streaming Television Hub For UK Viewers

4oD has been a successful effort, with Channel 4 having offered on-demand television across a range of platforms for several years. But the...
Dave Parrack
1 min read

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SeeSaw Beta Review | Can Arqiva’s One-Stop Shop Play Nicely With iPlayer, 4oD and Hulu?

SeeSaw, formerly the BBC’s Kangaroo, has now entered beta testing, with a full launch planned in the next few weeks. What...
Dave Parrack
1 min read

Why Online Video Advertising May Soon Match TV Advertising & That Isn’t Such A Bad Thing

Online video viewers aren’t currently bombarded with lots of ads. Most sites include a few, but nowhere near as many as...
Dave Parrack
1 min read

Online Video Continues Momentous Rise | YouTube, Hulu Lead Another Record Month

Online video is growing ever more popular, particularly in the United States. But it’s YouTube which continues to drive market penetration,...
Dave Parrack
1 min read

Boxee Vs. Hulu Before Congress | NBC Chief Accuses Boxee Of “Illegally Taking Content”

Hulu’s preposterous exclusion of Boxee has now made it to Congress, with the head of NBC being directly asked about the...
Dave Parrack
1 min read

Hulu Hits One Billion Video Milestone – Talks Charging For Content, Always-Free Options

Hulu has entered 2010 on a high, serving one billion videos in December 2009. And yet the company is facing new...
Dave Parrack
1 min read

YouTube Movie Rentals Trial Nets $10,000 | A Successful First Step Rather Than A Failure

YouTube’s movie rentals trial brought in just over $10,000. But rather than the failure some are describing it as, this is...
Dave Parrack
1 min read