High Speed, High Quality Digital Film Downloads Demand Growing In The UK

1 min read

High Speed, High Quality Digital Film Downloads Demand Growing In The UKToday saw a survey which produced the interesting yet
thoroughly predictable result
that there is now an overwhelming demand for fast and high-quality
digital downloads of
feature-length films.

The website Broadbandchoices.co.uk conducted
the survey, and it was further reported by the BBC. 

So, why interesting? And why predictable?

A Demand For Easier Access

Well, clearly consumers wish to have their Web connections and
cloud-based services provide easy access to great catalogues of titles
of all genres, a la Netflix (albeit operated entirely
the Internet).

This would require one to perform fewer functions to
enjoy items of interest – be they Cannes favorites,
Sundance-award-winning flicks, or big-budget Hollywood and Bollywood

Ideally, the fewer the functions the better. It would make for
an increase in convenience. Which most anyone would agree is something
of a benefit. Right?

Download Speeds On The Increase

Right. Web download speeds are on the increase, and new and
more attractive and expansive online services are continuously catering
larger and larger amounts of digital media to screens the world over.

So it is no surprise that this demand for digital film
downloads has grown
to something which triggers not only the beta testers and common
computer enthusiasts, but the attention of Jack and Jane Consumer as

Deriving a few basic truths from the principle of
Moore’s Law, it’s
pretty much guaranteed that the broad acceptance of technological
advances grows with the phenomenal rise of items that focus wholly on a
public demand. 

The success of the Apple iPod, a consumer-oriented device
through and through, is a sterling example. As is the TiVo, to a lesser
extent. And, more generally still, the desktop and/or laptop personal


The fact that the call for high-quality film downloads has
risen to
the top of the list of things requested by broadband subscribers in the
UK (I suspect the same discovery might be found in the US as well) only
goes to show that the power of a high-speed Internet connection has
been more fully realized by the average user. 

Thus the user sees it as
possible to cut tangible forms of visual media from the entertainment

Such has happened to great degree with digital music. The same
will indeed occur with the digital movie form.

When do you think (legal) digital movie downloads
will become as
common as music downloads? 2008? 2009? Share your thoughts in the
comments below.

Paul Glazowski is a contributing author discussing the social networking world, his work can be found on Profy.com
