YouTomb | Deleted YouTube Videos Pulled for Copyright Infringment Have New Home

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YouTomb LogoEver wonder what happens to videos removed from YouTube? Wonder no more, as the videos, pulled for various reasons, including copyright infringement now find a new home on YouTomb.

While the videos aren’t actually available to watch on YouTomb (that would kind of be illegal, and make YouTube’s removal policy pointless), the site does have screen shots, as well as tracking lots of other information.

MIT Research Project

YouTomb is a project by the folks at MIT Free Culture and it’s mission is to monitor how many videos are removed from YouTube, by who, and the reason for it.

The site tracks how long the video was up before being removed, and allows the MIT group to keep track of any mistakes by the site’s algorithm.

Tracking The Complainers

So far, the site shows that TV TOKYO, Viacom, Warner Bros and World Wrestling Entertainment are amongst the media companies which have asked for the most amount of videos to be taken down.

It’s an interesting concept and makes for interesting browsing. As well as YouTube the research group behind the project are thought to be interested in tracking other popular video website in the future as well.
