10 video sites compared | Who has the most Del.icio.us bookmarks?

1 min read

Del.icio.us LogoPeople often look at the number of visitors that a website receives, and how many pages that visitors look at on the site, to decide whether a website is popular or not. An easy way to do that is just too simply check the Alexa traffic rank of a website.

But just because a site is busy does not mean that people necessarily like it more than a site which is less busy. But how could you see how much people actually like a site?

Use Del.icio.us to compare popularity

Well you could check how many times people have bookmarked all the pages from a site (not just the homepage) in Del.icio.us. People will only tend to bookmark something if they find it interesting.

It is pretty much impossible to find out how many Del.icio.us bookmarks a website has. You would have to search for every single page of that website in Del.icio.us and add then together all the bookmarks. Can you imagine doing that for a site like YouTube?

Well I thought of a way to cheat! That is by simply checking how many backlinks a website has from Delicious to the website in question. I did this by just using the following query in Yahoo:

linkdomain:youtube.com site:del.icio.us

That query returns 46,000 backlinks from Del.icio.us to pages on YouTube. Compare that to its competitor MetaCafe.com which only has 2,560 backlinks from Del.icio.us.

It is safe to say that the more backlinks from Del.icio.us, the more bookmarks in Del.icio.us, and hence the more people like the site.

I crunched some numbers and found that often the number of backlinks was 1/10th of the actual number Del.icio.us bookmarks (but that’s a very rough estimate). So now you have a very easy way to estimate Del.icio.us bookmarks by just multiplying the number of backlinks by 10.

To get an idea of how well a site is liked you also need to measure the number of Del.icio.us bookmarks against the traffic of a website. I’ve just simply compared it against Alexa Rank in the table below.

Popularity of ten video sites compared using Del.icio.us bookmarks and Alexa Traffic Rank:

Del.icio.us Backlinks
Alexa Rank
YouTube.com 46000 4
MetaCafe.com 2560 141
DailyMotion.com 1650 113
Peekvid.com 1380 722
Joost.com 557 8,663
wwitv.com 463 2,862
TVUNetworks.com 222 15,873
Flurl.com 163 216
StupidVideos.com 68 5,940
SearchforVideo.com 29 7,982
  • As you can see YouTube.com is immensely popular compared to its closest competitors MetaCafe and DailyMotion.
  • Joost stands out as a website which is already proving popular compared to sites with similar traffic.
  • Flurl.com stands out as a very busy site which few people actually bookmark, indicating people just visit in passing and it lacks a solid community.

I think the number of Del.icio.us bookmarks definately helps to point out the sites that have a more loyal community, compared to websites where people just visit it in passing.
